oh god. hello. people have been asking me about treasure box for over three years now. here are some answers. no, I’m not dead, but I fell out of the osc real hard. I mostly use twitter now! my @ is sockcharm (please follow me, I write and draw!), and I post on ao3 under that same name :] if you like inscryption, I’ve been cooking up a fic over there! will treasure box be finished? hm. keep pestering me for a few more years. haha just kidding, I’ve thought about getting it done and tying everything together someday, but it’s not one of my priorities. thank you so much for the constant support — every time I get notifs from here it’s always from someone who enjoys my old writing and is begging for more. the 4x mob holds pitchforks and torches outside my house over this fic!!! I want to give the people what they want but I just haven’t found the energy. thank you again for all the support. you guys are awesome. I’m sorry for going radio silent for so long and I hope you’re all taking care of yourselves!!! I know I’ll be seeing you crowd again in the unforeseeable future.

@Number_macaroni woah I did not expect this,glad to know your doing ok!!! take your time on treasure box tho!!

@Number_macaroni this is so unexpected! It's fine if treasure box isn't a priority anymore! I've gone through that, none of my books are close to being finished as I lost motivation, so just stick to what you like! <3

@Number_macaroni Oh my gosh this is so unexpected!!! Thanks for the update though !!!