
Salam n hi!!! Rasanya dah lama sis Tak tulis cerita. So, sis come back dgn story Based on song ni. Tapi, story ni short je sebab sis hanya buat berdasarkan lagu tu sendiri. Page pertama sis akan bagitau lagu apa yg sis ambil utk buat story. So, sis suggest sambil baca tu lebih feel kalau dengar lagu tu sekali. Okey? Happy reading guys. Lebiu


T I NG !!
          Hallooo assalamualaikum!! Goodnight and sweet dream! Jangan lupa baca doa, ambil wudhu sebelum tidur( ^∇^)
          Jaga hati, jaga diri and stay safe!
          Bye bye~
          From dahlia to a pretty person❤❤❤
          *to stop this kind of message, you can reply 'one potato, two potatoes'


T I N G !!
          Holla! It's me again! Yes, eshaldahlia ask me to send a message to you again because she said that you are a very nice and a magnificent person.
          This are the message said,
          Holla and assalamualaikum! Hehe sorry lah dah jadi habit saya nak kacau mb orang ( ^∇^)
          I just want to wish you goodnight and have a sweet dream! Baca doa, ambil wudhu' sebelum tidur. Harap-harap awak tidur lena malam ni dan hari yang seterusnya!
          Jaga diri, jaga hati and stay safe!!
          Bye bye again~
          By the way, she also said you're more beautiful than ever! Even more beautiful day by day!
          To stop this type of message, you can reply 'one potato, two potatoes'


T I N G !!
          You've got a message from eshaldahlia! She sent to you this message because you are the most gorgeuos person and a precious person too!
          This are the message said,
          Assalamualaikum and holla!
          Goodnight and sweet dream to you! Jangan lupa baca doa sebelum tidur. Jaga diri, jaga hati and stay safe!!
          Bye bye~
          By the way, she also said you're beautiful as the way you are!


@eshaldahlia auhhhhhhhhsame to you


Salam n hi!!! Rasanya dah lama sis Tak tulis cerita. So, sis come back dgn story Based on song ni. Tapi, story ni short je sebab sis hanya buat berdasarkan lagu tu sendiri. Page pertama sis akan bagitau lagu apa yg sis ambil utk buat story. So, sis suggest sambil baca tu lebih feel kalau dengar lagu tu sekali. Okey? Happy reading guys. Lebiu