T I N G !!
Holla! It's me again! Yes, eshaldahlia ask me to send a message to you again because she said that you are a very nice and a magnificent person.
This are the message said,
Holla and assalamualaikum! Hehe sorry lah dah jadi habit saya nak kacau mb orang ( ^∇^)
I just want to wish you goodnight and have a sweet dream! Baca doa, ambil wudhu' sebelum tidur. Harap-harap awak tidur lena malam ni dan hari yang seterusnya!
Jaga diri, jaga hati and stay safe!!
Bye bye again~
By the way, she also said you're more beautiful than ever! Even more beautiful day by day!
To stop this type of message, you can reply 'one potato, two potatoes'