
Bismillah Assalammualaikum,
          	It has been almost another year since the 3rd chapter of 'I thought you love me' was posted, god damn it amirah writers block didn't have to make you forget your own story *smacks self on the head*. To summarize the explanation I just simply given up on that story at one point and let myself be swept away by my offline life.<br>
          	I am nineteen now and currently wasting away my 3 months sem break so I'm looking forward to get back at that story and give you guys an insyaAllah satisfying ending :D. <br>
          	However, i should say my writing skills has flop and lacks the bombastic words and beautiful (LOL) phrases like before. I hope you won't mind. MOREOVER, I thought of deleting the story for now and upload the newer, revised and maybe gramatically correct content but what do you guys think?  Delete or just update the last chapter? I appreciate your feedbacks and comments have a wonderful day and a wonderful Eid 


Bismillah Assalammualaikum,
          It has been almost another year since the 3rd chapter of 'I thought you love me' was posted, god damn it amirah writers block didn't have to make you forget your own story *smacks self on the head*. To summarize the explanation I just simply given up on that story at one point and let myself be swept away by my offline life.<br>
          I am nineteen now and currently wasting away my 3 months sem break so I'm looking forward to get back at that story and give you guys an insyaAllah satisfying ending :D. <br>
          However, i should say my writing skills has flop and lacks the bombastic words and beautiful (LOL) phrases like before. I hope you won't mind. MOREOVER, I thought of deleting the story for now and upload the newer, revised and maybe gramatically correct content but what do you guys think?  Delete or just update the last chapter? I appreciate your feedbacks and comments have a wonderful day and a wonderful Eid 


assalammualaikum, dear readers. i have decided to delete Salam as I've come to realize now that even though it's a sweeet
           book there is really nothing beneficial from the plot that could very well guide you to Islam. When I revise the book again, i've also come to realize that the scenes might turn you on or make you think marriage is a fun and happy experience until we die kind of thing. nope not everything comes in cute pink polkadot wrapped packages. some good lessons actually came from the trash can. lol if my actions dissappoint you then I'm sorry for the ache in your heart but I am not sorry for what I did. it was for the best. i truly hope that I could write more beneficial and inspiring stories and so till then I shall dissappear. may you all be protected by Allah S.W.T assalammualaikum =)


Selam kiz! (Hey girl. turkish)  I just readed your message in my board, thanks!! you are soo nice girl =)  And about ideas to make Salam's story more dramatic and stuff, it is actually quite easy:  "Just send the couple to Turkey". You know muslims "celebrate"Ramadan and Eid Mubarak so, you can send them for Eid Mubarak and introduce the beauitiful asian wife to the turkish family... I think this trip to Turkey will put the couple inside of a lot of turkish drama, for sure!  Meksika'dan selamlar!  (Greetings from Mexico)  =)


          Your name is the most beautiful one I've ever heard. 
          Light balance princess? Haha ADORABLE. 
          Yeah, I feel you. School can be brutal! All the homework and stuff. But its fun nevertheless. School is the Best, yo!
          Hahahha traffic problem is very common in India. Wait, you meant that right? Or did you mean something about the lack of security for girls in India? Nevertheless they're the two bog problems we have here. *shudders*
          You have a Chinese best friend? Awwww Chinese are so cute with their little little cute eyes! But being a racist here :O
          Yeah, Indian food rocks yo! Tandoori chicken and Naan are the best. 
          I shall check out your new book and bombard it with senseless and random comments. Heheahahaha *wicked grin*
          You're a little infrequent I've noticed. 
          So, until next time. :)


Salaam!You're welcome! The plot of the story is so overwhelmingly cute. I don't really read Romance but this plot was too catchy to miss. It's so realistic and practical. I mean the fact that love transcends all barriers renewed my faith in love (and I am a sceptic you should know). And you're just sixteen! MashAllah, very mature: D
          Anyway, it's been a long time since the story was updated. Is it over?
          On another note, how's life? I LOVE your username. Is that your real name? What does it mean? Do tell:)
          Allah Hafiz and take care! And keep writing! Gonna check out your other book too =)