
//I felt cute and deleted all the messages from my message board- 0.0


This is going off a whim, but like, yolo? Lmao. Gosh I've changed my user so many times, but on here it use to be DiamondWarriors, then discord was that then Diaplayz or something, the now aspenwasnttaken to god knows what, now were here, I see this acc has no been active in nearly 5 years but do you still have discord? We use to rp countryhumans way back, (thats a trip down memory lane my how we've grown since then) but, i don't know I've have the urge to reconnect with the people I use to talk to :) 


//I felt cute and deleted all the messages from my message board- 0.0


This is going off a whim, but like, yolo? Lmao. Gosh I've changed my user so many times, but on here it use to be DiamondWarriors, then discord was that then Diaplayz or something, the now aspenwasnttaken to god knows what, now were here, I see this acc has no been active in nearly 5 years but do you still have discord? We use to rp countryhumans way back, (thats a trip down memory lane my how we've grown since then) but, i don't know I've have the urge to reconnect with the people I use to talk to :) 