
Salam and hello everyone. I have made another big decision I guess. Setelah lama menyepi I came back to wattpad to update my story but I got to know from another writer that something unpleasant happened about the copyright breach over here. Walaupun tak ramai follower but I'm sure many of you can read my story. I really appreciate and love my work so I'm not gonna risk it to anyone. Thus I decided to unpublish my work here. Sedih sebab inilah platform untuk saya kongsi karya saya kepada semua dan atas nasihat sahabat saya kongsi di sini. When this thing happen, I choose not to risk it anymore. Thanks a lot kepada readers yang sudi baca karya saya. I will continue to write and inspire people. Thanks!


Salam and hello everyone. I have made another big decision I guess. Setelah lama menyepi I came back to wattpad to update my story but I got to know from another writer that something unpleasant happened about the copyright breach over here. Walaupun tak ramai follower but I'm sure many of you can read my story. I really appreciate and love my work so I'm not gonna risk it to anyone. Thus I decided to unpublish my work here. Sedih sebab inilah platform untuk saya kongsi karya saya kepada semua dan atas nasihat sahabat saya kongsi di sini. When this thing happen, I choose not to risk it anymore. Thanks a lot kepada readers yang sudi baca karya saya. I will continue to write and inspire people. Thanks!


Salam semua. Hopefully ramadhan korang diberkati. I have been critically busyyyyyy dan dalam masa yang sama, ada perkara yang membuatkan saya unmotivated to continue writing. So, saya ambil masa untuk berehat seketika daripada meneruskan novel ini. I'm gonna take a rest, not sure how long but if any new readers drop by, do share your thought on my story! I also appreciate all the readers who have been anticipated my story. I am sorry and thank you. Bagi yang beragama Islam, I wish you happy fasting. Buat semua pembaca, selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin.


Hello semua! Saya dah janji nak upload new chapters but it seems impossible this week also. Saya dah start kerja so definitely so many things to catch up and settle sampai lelah nak buat semua. Anyway, nak inform kepada pembaca yang ternanti-nanti kan update daripada saya, I will try my best to upload the next chapters this weekend. Stay tuned!


Alhamdulillah, hari ketujuh berpuasa hari ini bagi umat Islam. Saya akan share review novel yang saya terima dari seseorang. I am thinking to start with new writing and gonna share the story here too. Tetapi biasanya akan ambil masa yang lama. Pengalaman mengarang novel Angel, saya mengambil masa lebih kurang 8 bulan hingga setahun untuk mencipta watak, research dan sebagainya tidak termasuk proofread. Kali ini saya berfikir perlu ke saya masukkan elemen undang-undang atau tidak? Maybe coz I'm involve in that world makes me want to include the law at least once in any of my writing. Anyway, do check latest chapters of Angel's story. Will upload the next chapters next week. Thank you?


Hi everyone. Started my day with meeting and talk online. How about you guys? Alhamdulillah, sempat update next chapters. Angel's story up to chapter 54! Harap chapter seterusnya ini dapat puaskan hati pembaca. Ada yang bertanya pada saya, which I found it a very good question! Kenapa male lead dalam cerita Angel ni lambat dikeluarkan dan ditonjolkan? So, who has read my story, knows who they mean. Bagi saya sebagai penulis novel ini, tunjang utamanya ialah Nurin. This is not a typical love story. This is about how Nurin as a woman becomes a strong lady by her own at the very beginning. But since a story needs its own sweetness, I added the male lead whose comes a bit later. Since ramai mengadu kan, don't worry, the next few chapters will be about Zulfikar. Oh, and surely you can tell me whose character you like the most. Saya akan update bab seterusnya jika ada kelapangan dan akan berkongsi dengan semua tentang review novel Angel yang saya terima. Thanks for those who read my story so far!


Ramadhan al-Mubarak dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa bagi yang beragama Islam. It took longer than I expected to upload new chapters. I've been busy with my office work and since RMO being extended definitely the works gonna be massive. Anyway, uploaded 5 new chapters. How was the previous chapters? Share me your thought if you like it. The chapters I uploaded gonna be the next tragic events for the main character. Kebanyakan pembaca suka tak kalau ada plot tragik? I would like to add some spices to my story. I hope it's not too much. I will upload the next chapters for the next few days. Enjoy your reading!


Done proofread the rest of the chapters for how many times already. I loss count. Minggu ini saya agak sibuk dengan kerja-kerja office. To be able to proofread my story is a miracle. Anyway, work from home is totally drain my spirit away yet can't ignore the deadline. Saya rasa masa berlalu agak pantas semasa PKP ini. What say you? Pretty excited to share the next chapters with you within this week though I might busy like bee. Feel free to share my story to your friends and don't forget to drop your comment. Thank you like always!


Uploaded chapter 34 until 40 today! Happy reading guys. Saya amat mengalu-alukan komen daripada pembaca mengenai progres novel Angel ini. Masih banyak yang perlu saya perbaiki tapi saya cuba untuk masukkan juga elemen suspen seperti bab-bab yang saya telah uploaded hari ini. Untuk minggu ini, ini adalah update yang terakhir. Jadi, saya tinggalkan pembaca dengan tanda tanya dan imaginasi semua tentang perjalanan Nurin selepas ini. Thank you and happy holiday! Stay at home and stay safe.


Hey, got my first tag ranking today and the system is new to me.  I will get used to it and work harder. Saya berterima kasih kepada semua pembaca yang setakat ini menghargai penulisan saya. Don't forget to share my story with your friends if you like it. Oh, I will make sure to upload the next chapters tomorrow or in next few days. Saya rasa sedikit teruja dan bimbang dengan penerimaan pembaca. Saya menulis bab-bab seterusnya dengan mengambil kira banyak faktor dalam mencipta keteguhan watak utama. Hoping the next chapters will touch your emotion as much as I did when I wrote it. Thanks!


Alhamdulillah, dah uploaded bab yang baru. Bab-bab yang seterusnya, saya ketengahkan pengalaman saya sendiri sebagai pelatih dalam kamar (chambering student) dalam hidup watak utama. But most of all, memang fiksyen. Semasa saya merangka scenes tersebut, saya ingin pembaca terutamanya pelajar-pelajar undang-undang mendapat gambaran mengenai step seterusnya after law school. But of course, I thought about other readers who might not familiar with it and make it general, not too specific. Anyway, are you excited for the next chapters? A bit of spoiler. Next chapters gonna be the start of most tragic and painful event for the main character. Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill her but it will be the important turning point of who Nurin is in future. Thanks for reading and you are most welcome to share your thought about this novel. I also consider any improvement you guys might think I need to do! Thanks again.