Hi everyone. Started my day with meeting and talk online. How about you guys? Alhamdulillah, sempat update next chapters. Angel's story up to chapter 54! Harap chapter seterusnya ini dapat puaskan hati pembaca. Ada yang bertanya pada saya, which I found it a very good question! Kenapa male lead dalam cerita Angel ni lambat dikeluarkan dan ditonjolkan? So, who has read my story, knows who they mean. Bagi saya sebagai penulis novel ini, tunjang utamanya ialah Nurin. This is not a typical love story. This is about how Nurin as a woman becomes a strong lady by her own at the very beginning. But since a story needs its own sweetness, I added the male lead whose comes a bit later. Since ramai mengadu kan, don't worry, the next few chapters will be about Zulfikar. Oh, and surely you can tell me whose character you like the most. Saya akan update bab seterusnya jika ada kelapangan dan akan berkongsi dengan semua tentang review novel Angel yang saya terima. Thanks for those who read my story so far!