
you’ll realize it, once it's too late


We don't want to regret things that we could change now. 
          We don't want to end up crying for what  we could have done right now. 
          And we don't want to spend the rest of our days regretting things that we wanted to do as hell but we end up didnt do that.


You must be patient. Even if the pains of waiting and wishing and praying tire you, be patient. Even when long periods of time pass by and others are blessed with what they've been praying for while you still wait, be patient. For Allah does not waste the effort of the doers of good. He delays His response only to hear you call to Him more. Be patient. For what awaits you is sweeter than the bitterness of longing.


I pray wherever you are, you are okay and you are very happy. I pray you're always close to Allah and your heart's at peace. I pray you're never out of Allah's protection, not even for a blink. 
          Worry not. Allah cares about you. And he loves you so much.  


Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.
          And I wish, if not today, someday you will find that happiness you are searching for your heart.