
I've edited chapter 1 with a new paragraph! Wow! As well as changed a few things around. 


Hey there! I'm still around! I moved countries, and I'll have to relocate again before the summer is out. But, of course, after I moved and packed things away, I had forgotten that I didn't really have anything to type on. Oops. So I'm working via my phone at the moment.
          In the meantime, I've shifted chapter numbers and fixed some typos here and there. I'm currently working on the next chapter. Slow and steady is better than stagnation!
          So I guess now I'm a turtle. I need more veggies in my diet a anyways! 


Hi everyone! Thanks for sticking around so far. Ramadan and Eid have come and gone, and now I'm in the midst of moving. Oh joy. We're supposed to leave in two weeks, so until then, I'll be busy with packing, and then settling in after the move. I've not abandoned my story, though! There's still more to come, and I'm still brainstorming story details for future chapters.


Chapter 19 Part 1 of The Cross in Our Stars is updated!  Thank you SO MUCH for your patience! 
          Our health hasn't been the best, but I'm still determined to get the next chapter sorted!  Once some normalcy has returned, so will an updating schedule.


Did I mention that there's a LONG school holiday still? Feeding and watering little humans and keeping them busy all day eats up my creative energy. Still working on chapters, but my updates may be a bit slower than usual. Sorry!