
HIIII Guys! Can anyone make me a cover for "Nighty Night" :} I would be so so so so thankful <3


Dear Readers and friends.  
           I had almost completely done ''Save Me'' Which was the story that made me gain friends and readers! 
          Also ''You belong with me was almost complete I think I just needed to write two or one chapter.
          But As you may or not now: 
          My computer had already had a few viruses and previously I had commented It to my dad, but without me knowing he took it to fix the whole system, where my whole chapters were lost. T-T
          I feel so bad of It. and I realized that I have no inspiration to start them know. Im really sorry...Im with out word right know. 
          And well I'm just going to continue and start with one shots, hope that one day I could come up with some other story like the ones I was making. Thank you for all of those who read them <3


@delenastwinflames  muchas gracias por esto:3 deberas que te lo agradesco! T.T Y por supuesto te escribire el OneShot ^u^ Gracias <3


aww, es triste leer esto, y me imagino como te debes de estar sintiendo D: pero tranquila.. estoy segura que encontrarás la inspiración necesaria y escribirás algo igual o mejor que esas historias que tenías!
            Por cierto, si tienes tiempo y quieres, podrias escribir un one shot de manu o miro? lo dejo a tu criterio ;)
            un abrazo, que estés bien, y ánimo! cuidate :D


Hi Josabeth :) I'm sorry to bother you but you seem to like reading football fanfictions (obviously lol), feel free to check out my Football One Shots, i would really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy reading them :)


Hello! Yeah Guss I love to read them lol ^u^ And yeah of course I'll check them out :3