
My brain is broken. I just typed a short story and had it published in the wrong book. BUT when I went to unpublish my stupid computer froze and now I refreshed and the whole part that was supposed to become a draft is now deleted—rewriting the whole darn thing now.


Wattpad does that


So, I had a brain-functioning idea a second ago. Should I move the mysterious omocha story to its own book? I have ideas that aren't even on a doc yet. Plus the one and only show book is almost to its limit of 200 chapters.


Goodnight or good morning! Happy June 1st and Happy Pride Month. And thank goodness to me for not almost giving up when everything was deleted and couldn't be restored. It looks like it's time for me to hit the hay! Goodnight/morning (SLEEP I NEED SLEEP)


The spring break chapter is coming along pretty well. Except for the fact it's longer than I expected and that I put too much thought into it. Whatever happened to Reality? What's that? Does anybody know? I started it and then didn't like it so I remade the entire thing and then took it completely off of Wattpad. I just re-re-read the story and it's not bad at all. The remake is a huge improvement. I might bring it back and keep adding on to it.


Hey! I should be done with the spring break chapter for The One And Only Show today. I made a note about it but never posted it because I was at the dentist and forgot. 
          Hope everyone is already or starting to enjoy their spring break.
