

NuzzleWorthy patch notes 9/1/25:
          - Replaced rewritten parts in 'The Love We Hide Act I' with original written parts
          - Re-uploaded 'Warth (a scifi concept)'
          - Re-uploaded 'Red Out (a scifi thriller short)'
          - Re-uploaded '50 cliches (a gay furry satire)'
          - Re-uploaded Beta edition of 'Don't Snap The Pencil (a scifi choose your own adventure)
          - Reworked Chapter 1 of 'The Ditching Game'
          - Chatted heaps with Rainy lol I love that man
          - Bullied @furloveslife into putting their old foxy PFP back on, I'm just messing with ya dude do whatever floats your boat <3


Everyone follow @Furloveslife I like him 


Changed it back don’t worry 


Though can’t blame you


Eh?!? Didn’t know you were that into foxy..


Merry Christmas everyone. I’ve no one to love in person this year, so I figured I might as well reminisce on the ones I’ve loved in the past:
          From an Australian shephard: many a sleepless sunrise; the smell of campfire smoke and rum on picnic blankets; the Adrenalin of texting and the pain of distance; an addicting vocabulary that ensnared my every thought as though your mundane life were a fisherman and I it’s prize. 
          From a black dragon: eternally warm laughter; the abyss at which secrets were tossed into and returned in mutual importance; the humming of insects cut in half by the cruelty of snow, and the brushstrokes of musicality, melodically entwining my soul with yours; a best friend for life.
          From a cheetah: a glimpse of a stable family; a tolerance for my chest being touched; the stickiness of bread dough and the running fragrance of sweat; the adjustment to a homosexual life with its milestones; the caressing of converse shoes at the undoing of my creative world. 
          I wish you all, all the love you need. 


@NuzzleWorthy I've only had the one Christmas and I think as a family we're not gonna bother with them anymore lmao.


@1stfretonthegstring fr man. I ended up having three christmases this year. One as pretend Christmas on holiday, actual Christmas which my fam didn’t celebrate cause my sister was sick, and then fake Christmas a week later lol how bizarre 