
We're honoring to the legacy Akira who is a creator of the Dragon Ball who had passed during in March all the sudden happened on the tragedy. Rest in peace Akira.


@NylaMichelle8 you do rp with oc x oc ?


I don't what to feel when I felt my stomach got a pain from the incident of hit and run by Amazon driver. That was a male driver of Amazon who done the incident of the old lady for homicide. Such a cruel thing to the old lady....it had got my stomach feel the pain and wanted to puke but luckily the police arrested him for that. Hope that serves him right for the homicide in the time that he caused it. I had to clear it off my mind and memory before that becomes too unbearable then driven me want to harm him in every body so that he can feel the same pain.


Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry that happened. I hope you feel better soon.


Sonic the Hedgehog movie 3 is coming tomorrow on Paramount plus


@NylaMichelle8 I'm watching the movie on Paramount Plus right now.