
@itsgottabeuPikachu No probs! :D xx


Composing a new story, looking for characters!! :D If you want to take part in it all you need to do is follow these steps:
          1.Post below your Character's name, Age, and physical description (i.e. Eyes, hair etc.)
          2. Character description (i.e. hobbies, values, internal characteristics) qualities, etc.
          ******The story's original title is "How to be......"
          3.Why you want to be in the story, and/or any ideas you have 
          ~~~~~~That's It Lovelies!!~~~~~~~~ <3 xx


@JustBeingJess Definitely! and its fine! :D I haven't updated mine in a while either, i'm really busy with school and stuff and things as such and im a co-writer on my story but her email got deleted so when i have ideas i can't like improvise ideas with her you know? So yeah it's fine! One of my stories ironically titled "My Story" i don't think i've updated in months. My other One AFSIE or "A Fresh Start In England", i've added a teaser to because currently, i have terrible writer's block, and i absolutely hate it. :L xx
           (and sorry I just realised I didn't reply directly to you so you never got the message. Also, I was wondering when your putting me into y