
Having this phase called "in-love-or-not-thingy" make me feels so insecure, someone pls help me.
          	There's dis boi; he's my friend and he keeps getting heartbroken because he always get rejected when confessing. But then he realized that I'm always there for him, but I mean, I'm just a friend, right?
          	But then he started saying love things to me and keep calling me his or something like that, I can't even--
          	But tbh he's handsome and all--
          	I don't even know what to do, I'm scared of getting heartbroken cause this is my first, someone please help me.
          	I don't even think I love him like a boyfriend--
          	Thanks if you want to respond to this.
          	-Me, a she for real.


Having this phase called "in-love-or-not-thingy" make me feels so insecure, someone pls help me.
          There's dis boi; he's my friend and he keeps getting heartbroken because he always get rejected when confessing. But then he realized that I'm always there for him, but I mean, I'm just a friend, right?
          But then he started saying love things to me and keep calling me his or something like that, I can't even--
          But tbh he's handsome and all--
          I don't even know what to do, I'm scared of getting heartbroken cause this is my first, someone please help me.
          I don't even think I love him like a boyfriend--
          Thanks if you want to respond to this.
          -Me, a she for real.


aku kira Jova ganti nama.-.


@AkinaAozuki Aminn. Siapp. Iya, heheheh. 


@JovaIvoria Wkwkwk semoga bisa ^^)/ Semangat terus. Kalau dipublish beberapa chapter jadi kayak author2 wp yang udah tenar dong :3 tiba2 diunpub karena udah terbit


@AkinaAozuki Ahiya. Saia lupa. Shou yg terbajak. Pengennya sih nerbitin dan sampai jadi anime. Tapi entah bisa ato ngga. Yang pasti ada kemungkinan kalo saia bakal ngepublish bbrp chapter di WP, heheheh. 