
New YouTube Video!!!
          	Torn Up by DarkLuca ❤️ Amazing Book guys!!


I’m fully and officially returning. I will be making an update schedule for ALL books. Meaning any books discontinued with be continued!!
          I am sorry for all those who lost faith in me 
          But I am back and better then ever.~


So, I know my silence is a bit of a habit... But a legit inspiration struck me as of recent...
          I will have more free time, more of a hope for this one then anything I wrote before...
          I stopped writing the last two books because of one reason. I had the wrong inspiration and once it left so did my will to write the books.
          I apologise for how I have been but this one shall truly be the better book.
          Be ready for the new book! 
          The Burning Cinder.


Anyone who follows me or my book Warlock of The Fates...
          The inspiration for the book is gone. It will be placed on hiatus while I work on a new book. This book actually was nothing more than a short story I sent in for a contest and one of the judges actually called me with an offer.
          If I can complete a novalization of it and gain traction on Wattpad or any site for that matter. He will talk to a publisher he knows personally to help me out getting it published!