
Hey everyone! Do you guys remember me? I’ve been mia recently but I’m hoping to gain some inspiration and create some new works. One can only hope though. Wattpad has changed so much since I’ve seen it last. It’s crazy how much can change. Anyway, I’m back. Send me a message and let me know how you guys are doing and any ideas you may have for me!


Hey everyone! Do you guys remember me? I’ve been mia recently but I’m hoping to gain some inspiration and create some new works. One can only hope though. Wattpad has changed so much since I’ve seen it last. It’s crazy how much can change. Anyway, I’m back. Send me a message and let me know how you guys are doing and any ideas you may have for me!


Hey yall, I'm back. Going to try and update chapters, maybe even come up with a new concept for a new book. It's been a while but I decided that I know have the time to do this and not everything is so hectic anymore. No, I will not continue my Harry Potter book. It's very old and it requires a lot of editing and that was the result of a not so smart younger version of me. If it comes down to it, I might even delete it. I don't want work out there that I'm not proud of, and I'm not proud of that book. I have many people behind me, supporting me but I don't want something so sloppy behind my name. I'm probably going to have a fresh start, with something I take pride in and a better concept with something that has a good idea behind it.


we have the same phone case. nice.


@books_are_life101 omg that's a hard question 


@Nyxinia OMG I loved your book !!!!!!


@Nyxinia hey I was just wondering if you were interested in art... 
            if you aren't it's fine 
            but if u are.............. you could always see my books 
            I know that it's annoying to have people always ask you to read their books 
            so you don't AT ALL read my book or acknowledge this message ^.^