Hey, i know this is a writing website, but if you want to watch me play some awesome horror/FPS games tonight with some friends catch me on my twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/nyxoustempous/profile
Hey, i know this is a writing website, but if you want to watch me play some awesome horror/FPS games tonight with some friends catch me on my twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/nyxoustempous/profile
I might be deleting my WattPad account over the next few days, so if i disappear i apologize, This message is only pro-cautionary in case i do delete this account. I have yet to decide but i thought i should inform all of you wonderful people.
You creep :P Haloweens past its nearly Christmas don't be all MWAHAHA but HOHOHOEE xD
Good. At least someone found inspiration it always goes for walkabouts ... I stopped searching for mine :O
@Bigbluebubblegum I am always here.... silently lurking in the shadows for the perfect moment to reappear! MWAHAHAHAHA and yes i am alive :D i found my inspiration again :P