*awkward entrance* hello hello yes i am alive! i hope everyone has been doing good. i'm back PLUS a new matching theme with @17-STR3ET / @JJ0NG-OST <3 thank you jae for this new theme ♡ i'm gonna be working on my applyfics since i have time & maybe a new story???


welcome back hansol-ah ♡♡♡


*awkward entrance* hello hello yes i am alive! i hope everyone has been doing good. i'm back PLUS a new matching theme with @17-STR3ET / @JJ0NG-OST <3 thank you jae for this new theme ♡ i'm gonna be working on my applyfics since i have time & maybe a new story???


welcome back hansol-ah ♡♡♡


i am so sorry for the delays / lack of updates of my applyfics- school is nearly here so i'm trying to spend as much of my summer time that i have left. i'll try to get everything sorted out and make a publishing schedule that's going to match my high school schedule! thank you so much for understanding ♡