Chase scratched his nape, a little bit embarrassed. "I should learn how to properly communicate with others then." He stated softly, sighing. "There's still time to acknowledged myself and decided about that, it's not that our life is already decided." He shrugged, imitating one of his twin's favorite habit, clicking her (his) tongue. His face was became somewhat disgruntled upon hearing what Art says, he shook his head and laughed.
"That's why my sister calls me a grandpa." He chuckled. "They say I am too mature for my age. It couldn't be helped, we're all different and we developed differently." He averted his gaze, secretly peeking at the beautiful sky atop them. "You can always see that in a person." He retorted, somewhat feeling comical. "But it can't be helped, there aren't a lot right now and I believe," he paused, glancing at Art as he patted his shoulder lightly. "you have that."
He laughed heartily, brushing his hair that had fell onto his eyes off. "They were a thing since 1940s. It was developed by a botanist whom we can just call Cacty." He bit his lower lip, seemingly flustered as he couldn't recall the name of that botanist. "Cacty aside, you have guessed correctly. I'm quite a bookish person, if you may." He grinned toothily. "It's a pleasure of this young Herondale." He answered formally just like what he was taught since young. "I belonged to the Carballo." He said. "How about you?" He added, trying to make the conversation not dull nor solemn as he realized he'd actually gone too formal.