any book recs? (let’s see if it lets me post this since it wouldn’t let me earlier)
          	i’ve been reading a lot of outer banks books, and drew starkey alone, but i’d be willing to read anything at this point!! lmk if you have any good ones in mind :)


i just saw one of your old comments where you said you had cancer and i came to see if you were okay. glad to see you’re still well !!!


ofc!! i wish you many blessings for the future !!   


aw thanks so much! i got my bladder removed so thankfully i am okay, but this means so much to me that you cared to check on my page :))


any book recs? (let’s see if it lets me post this since it wouldn’t let me earlier)
          i’ve been reading a lot of outer banks books, and drew starkey alone, but i’d be willing to read anything at this point!! lmk if you have any good ones in mind :)