with thanksgiving break having just come to an end , all students were solemn to return to the chaotic place of uncomfortable socialism and grading pressure going by the name of junior year , a certain noodle of a boy being no exception . fifth period had just ended , the bells shrieking causing many tired teenagers to flood out of their classes and head to the next phase of their own personal hell . sluggishly pulling his binder ‘ s strap higher on his shoulder and shoving his way through swarms of sweaty and groggy adolescence alike himself , kid ‘s honey hues suddenly met a deep chocolate from across the on going sets of dark navy lockers and chipping wood doors . the brunette ‘ s expression split into an exhausted grin as he waved towards the red head , making his way over through the violent teens rummaging through out the high school halls . 
          “ ozzy ! hey ! “
          he called out , pushing past one final victim of circumstance as the chestnut - haired boy squeezed next to his asthmatic companion . 
          * hope ya don ‘ t mInD


@ORDINARYISM sorry for not answering sooner!〗
            Ozzy looked at him with a blank expression before just shoving himself against a locker to get away from the other teenagers extremely uncomfortable which just made it worse for him before just having his hip getting pushed against a locker so he decided to stay there then saw the chestnut hair come near him so he just thought for a moment before he started shaking when a quite sweaty teen touched him just looking for his hand sanitizer but it was taken away from his waist when he was pushed which just caused him to hide in a corner and try to scratch off the spot which caused a full awakening to the red head.


give me your hair ozzy :>
          * / hELLO MY NAME
          IS GAIA UWU


            I'm not cutting my hair, back off.


            Thank you though Cindy keeps telling me to cut it..