I'm back.


(I have really bad grammar and this is very long) 
          I'm leaving Wattpad probably? My phone broke 2 weeks ago when I was at the park, when me and my mom were leaving the park I dropped my phone onto some rock then I picked it up and said to my mom "the phone is okay". 
          Then 3 days later I noticed my phone looking a little swollen and it was slightly opened up, so I told my mom about it and she said to me "you shouldn't have dropped the phone". 
          1 day after that I was drinking some water in a cup then I accidentally spilled the water onto the phone. And I quickly cleaned it up so my mom wouldn't know.
          2 days after that the phone inflated more. And my mom said "the battery is inflated but how was it inflated?" and I didn't tell her because I was scared.
          1 week after that the battery started dying way too quick and would turn off at anything under than 60 percent. It can't even turn on without it being plugged in.
          Now the phone can't be used under 90 percent. My mom said that she couldn't buy a new battery since it cost just as much as a new phone.
          I sent all my stuff on this phone to my tablet. This Wattpad account is probably gonna be deleted since I don't feel like downloading Wattpad on my tablet. 
          This is probably good bye, it sucks but this is my consequences. Even though I have to delete this account I will always remember this Wattpad account. I hope my comments (even though they were just screaming saying bad words) made you laugh a bit.
          Since I'm probably getting a new phone on Christmas so I'll have a 50/50 chance on coming back. 
          I loved reading fear garden and other stuff that I can't remember (I have a really bad memory). 
          That's all I have to say so good bye.