It would be wonderful if you would try and give this book a chance I'm sorry I haven't continue other one and still started a new one, i am still writing for the other story I'm just trying to make it more interesting and less boring which is how it is right now, so I will update this book on Saturdays at 2pm (U.S time) on schedule I promise. Ty for reading this


Hiya! I am writing my first book here on Wattpad and would really appreciate if you could take a look at the last chapter and provide me with some feedback so that I can better my writing and become a better author. ☺️ happy to do the same for you and who knows, maybe even become friends. 


@Sisters_dt I read the proluge, and I'm already loving it. I'll continue reading the book when I'm free, but so far I'm inlove


@Sisters_dt I'm so sorry!! it took me so long to see this. And Ofc! I would absolutely love to! ❤️ 


It would be wonderful if you would try and give this book a chance I'm sorry I haven't continue other one and still started a new one, i am still writing for the other story I'm just trying to make it more interesting and less boring which is how it is right now, so I will update this book on Saturdays at 2pm (U.S time) on schedule I promise. Ty for reading this


Hi I still don't now how to write a stroy in this thing so if future me finds a way I want to tell you nice job dumass 


@OMFFFGGGGGGGGG your both stupid af we literally stopped making stories. We'll give it a try at it again.


@TAFFYLOF we have 2 books now stupid (there not the best but there working)