
          	I've put together a Spotify playlist to help me get into the right headspace for writing (and who knows, maybe some of these songs will sneak their way into a chapter—try to guess which ones... wink!). For those that don't make the cut, I wanted to share them here to give you a feel for the emotions this story is all about. The playlist might evolve along the way, too!
          	Thanks again, and happy reading (and listening)!


          I've put together a Spotify playlist to help me get into the right headspace for writing (and who knows, maybe some of these songs will sneak their way into a chapter—try to guess which ones... wink!). For those that don't make the cut, I wanted to share them here to give you a feel for the emotions this story is all about. The playlist might evolve along the way, too!
          Thanks again, and happy reading (and listening)!