
Hello there! I made a discord group for writers and readers alike to come together and support each other! There's places to advertise your accounts and stories, places to give and accept feedback, and places to simply chat and make new friends with people that enjoy the same thing as you: literature! Once we get enough people, we'll even have "reading circles," where we will read sections of our stories out loud for anyone that would like to listen. 
          	If you're interested, feel free to join!


Hello there! I made a discord group for writers and readers alike to come together and support each other! There's places to advertise your accounts and stories, places to give and accept feedback, and places to simply chat and make new friends with people that enjoy the same thing as you: literature! Once we get enough people, we'll even have "reading circles," where we will read sections of our stories out loud for anyone that would like to listen. 
          If you're interested, feel free to join!


Here's a little sneak peak of a new book I'm working on! I'll be posting this once I get a cover made! I hope you enjoy!
          Philip chuckled and watched Second nervously. Stasia noticed and placed a hand on Second's shoulder, their nonverbal cue to calm down. "We'll set off tomorrow at dawn," Philip spoke as he rose to his feet. "Better be packed and ready by then. If not, I'm leaving you behind."
          "I'll just stay here then," Second mumbled as he stood. 
          "Come on, Second," Philip frowned and walked over to his eldest son, putting his hands on Second's shoulders. He waited for Terrance, Tommy, and Tory to leave before he continued speaking. "You're older now. You can handle it."
          "But crowds, First!" Second yelled in his father's face, making Stasia bite her lip and fight the urge to separate them. "There are always crowds in Capital, First! You remember what Stasi did in school, right? The reason she got expelled and the reason you took me out? That was with only thirteen other people in the room! How do you think we're going to react when there are hundreds in every direction?"
          "The older you get, the better you become," Philip said calmly, knowing the rage wasn't Second's fault but the fault of the circumstances he was victim to. "And besides, everyone will be there for you. All of us."
          "Stasi's the only one that can calm me down."
          "I'm included in that everyone," Stasia smiled and took Second's hand in hers, squeezing it tight. "I'm always going to be there for you, just like how you'll always be there for me. Together forever, right?"
          Second looked over his shoulder at Stasia and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. "Together forever."
          "Dawn of Sommers" follows the adventures of the Sommers family - Philip "First" Sommers Sr., Philip "Second" Sommers Jr., Anastasia "Stasia" Sommers, Terrance Sommers, and Thomas "Tommy" Sommers - as they fight to reclaim their bloodline's throne from a tyrannical king.