
Hey I'm from Zookahs message broad saw Ur text about academic validation.... Girl I really do understand like I also get mad by why I can't be a doctor, lawyer and others.... because I feel like I was born to do all of these and sometimes it's also overwhelming......


@FierceFemme8  for real...and sometimes we just wanna sleep and do nothing....hehe


Hi! I saw one of your posts in which you said that you're a neet aspirant. I actually wanted to know how do you study organic chem cuz it's a nightmare for me and secondly do you know some authentic website where we can get pyqs? (Im a jee aspirant) i know this very random but yeah it would be grt if you could help. 


@critical_ri  jee is in jan isnt it ?? best of luck , just go for it ..


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@OMYBITCH thank you so freaking much.. This particular time i am pressurised as fuck.. Small help means alot