
Heyy I'm reading this book called insomniacs I'm liking it rnnn it's in my reading list.. I thinkk you'll like it tooo


@itsmfkin_ri  and i have special half hour...i am addicted to that app


@itsmfkin_ri   and i sleep from 12 am to 7 am in morning , then i have my offline classes from 7.30 to 12.30 ......but now our bio and chemistry syllabus is completed so from 15 days it is just 7.30 to 9 am....then i have joined study library , which is right in front of my house , i study there from 9.30 am to 9 pm , offcourse , i come home for lunch and snacks in evening , so i study around 10hrs during day including my wattpad escapes sometime like this when i get bored , and at night i study from 10 to 12 am then i sleep.....and between these there are still some days that i do not feel to study so i just sleep


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@itsmfkin_ri   exactly me...i was lost past 6 a total zero studies and nothing but its all about the realization hit me once and i was no...if i want my dream life i have to study its do or die....when ever i start slugging i picture myself to the fate of a nothing woman in future .....and it makes me more determined . trust me when i tell academic downfall was to fucking big that all my teachers once visited my home and were like idk what is wrong with a student like father was dipshit worried , it was like...i do not felt to study , i was tired from studying but now from last month , i am slowly gripping my self


Wsup you're being less active in the board recently tho I'm also not talking muchh tbh idk at this point i just wattpad yk starts that psnl msg feature againnn.. So like we can talk to who we want to talk to without being seen by everyone lmao.. 


@itsmfkin_ri    exactly and i am very lazy to type long paragraphs anyways


@OMYBITCH yk I'm not even taking names here tho I have a no. Of people in mind who i yk avoid talking to in board just bcz i don't want to fight with a random person who i don't care much about but it's just that some people  are eww


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@itsmfkin_ri   and the same old shit , i mean its okay to discuss about what is going around world but we do not have to be rude to eachother for that ...i swear some people on that board and eager to pick up fights whenever they get the chance


Hey friend how are you doing? 


Thank you 
            This is my telegram handle you can message me there
            *Garet Stacy* 


@Bailey0698 yeah I'm good i love what you do
            I don't know how you'll feel about this but I'd like to make a friend with you 


Hey I'm from Zookahs message broad saw Ur text about academic validation.... Girl I really do understand like I also get mad by why I can't be a doctor, lawyer and others.... because I feel like I was born to do all of these and sometimes it's also overwhelming......


@OMYBITCH Lmaoo... Real asf.... 


@FierceFemme8  for real...and sometimes we just wanna sleep and do nothing....hehe


Hi! I saw one of your posts in which you said that you're a neet aspirant. I actually wanted to know how do you study organic chem cuz it's a nightmare for me and secondly do you know some authentic website where we can get pyqs? (Im a jee aspirant) i know this very random but yeah it would be grt if you could help. 


@critical_ri  jee is in jan isnt it ?? best of luck , just go for it ..


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@OMYBITCH thank you so freaking much.. This particular time i am pressurised as fuck.. Small help means alot