
I FEEL MOTIVATED TO START THE BOOK OVER AGAIN! "The Locket of Soulmates" will be written over. Same characters but better story plot. Some scenes will remain the same and some plots. You can thank a certain dedicated followers to that! -Sienna (if i spelled that correctly) ❤️❤️


I FEEL MOTIVATED TO START THE BOOK OVER AGAIN! "The Locket of Soulmates" will be written over. Same characters but better story plot. Some scenes will remain the same and some plots. You can thank a certain dedicated followers to that! -Sienna (if i spelled that correctly) ❤️❤️


Favorite song mcr?


Sorry I'm so late, I just looked at my post && to answer your question. 
            -Welcome to the Black Parade.
            -I'm not okay. (Trust me) 
            -The ghost of you. 
            -The sharpest lives 
            -Thanks for the venom. 
            But choosing one I would have to choose "I'm not okay." I love that song. 