A new chapter of “Shot Thru The Heart” is up! 


Hi everyone!! It's been a long time since I've updated anything on here, but I just put out two chapters of a new story. I'm going to also try to get a new chapter of “Shot Thru The Heart” done this week. Hope you enjoy the new content. 
          On another note, I went to the 1st NY concert and I'm still in shock over the fact that I was breathing the same air as Twice.


Hello everyone! Long time no see. I just started something new that is very different in tone to my past works. It’s based on a recommendation that I got back in February for a MiSa yandere story. So I worked with that and wrote part one of a new book called “Only You”. It’s up now! Check it out :)


Which ship should I write about next? I’m in the mood to pump out a few chapters of something new, but idk what you guys want to see. So give me a ship, plot line, or setting and I’ll try to find the best one and make something cool out of it!


@ONCEmode_ON probably 6, mina would act aggressive most of the time but when sana scolds her, she'll be a fluff ball


Oo that seems cool. On a level of one to ten how yandere should it be?


maybe a yandere mina to sana :)


Hey, long time no see. I haven’t posted anything for a while. However, I have been working on updates for both of my ongoing stories. Sadly I just am not happy with the drafts right now. I’ve revised them both a lot with little success. So please know that I am not slacking, I just have had extreme writers block this year. Love you all, thank you for reading my stories!