
If I were to write some fanfiction of the more smutty variety would anyone be interested?


@OTAKUWraiths sure! I would but not to much please I’ve seen enough 


Umm... , so I know I keep saying this but i do actually plan to update soon. I had a Corvid-19 scare and I had to get tested so I was without a laptop for a few weeks but I’m home safe and ready to update as soon as I get a full nights rest - but it warms my heart to see that my crusty dusty fanfiction is still being read! Thank you all so much! Hopefully I keep updating regularly after this


Just a heads up! My Ouran fanfiction WILL be updated! I had lost all my files related to the story - all my drafts and outlines - and I had to frantically dig through my computer to find them. I apologize for the wait - in the meantime if you have any other story requests (either revolving around Ouran or not) lemme know! Prepare for more Beautiful Things chapters in the near future!


Hello gang! If I were to start writing more My Hero Academica related stories would that be okay? I have been on a huge My Hero kick so I was gonna publish some of my stories here. Don't worry I'll continue writing Ouran stuff but I was kinda in the plus ultra mindset. Also does anyone want a continuation of my Ghost Hunt fic? I feel like Ghost Hunt is a niche anime and not a lot of people know what it is anymore, so if no one wants a continue I'll draft it.


this message may be offensive
*Academia god I can't spell for shit


Damn... I’ve been gone awhile. My mental health is better but I’m still like... not feeling good about my writing? But! But! The CORVID-19 virus has given me a lot of time to think... which has given me a lot of time to write. So! I will start updating things! I may even start new projects! Who knows! But I want to thank everyone who has read or is still reading my stuff - y’all make me so happy!


If I told y’all I have a Spotify playlist of all the music I use as inspiration for my stories, would y’all be interested?
          Also friendly reminder that I will probably go radio silent after Beautiful Things, so if there is a WIP you want done it’s best to let me know now.