
I was OUT of the platform for some time, I had to relax, but as soon as I can I will continue my stories, thanks clacefe by the way :)


Hey how is life! :)


@richyrm Oh, I'm glad I can help you, I hope you get better soon!


Going through, trying to feel better everyday. Reading your stories help :)


@richyrm Still existing, but better, hbu?


God, I see you LOVE SuperArrow on the Feature Movie,  I will keep that in mind, anyways for other news, SuperArrow Fluff, they are just short stories, they're already together, or something.
          And about The Feature Movie, 40-50 Views, 40 views 2 days , 50 Views today :)


I wrote the next chapter for The Feature Movie, should I post it tomorrow? or the day after it? ( I mean common I don't want to rush the book :) ) But like everyone wants tomorrow but sadly that is the last ship chapter before Kariver  , so 4 more chapters (one lunch) 3 Kariver and The END


Hey guys I'm back so here we are with a one-shot because it's like 11 PM for me and I want some sleep I didn't slept in my trip so let's hope I will tonight but I prepared you the second part of "We share the same dark past" see you
          - Love you your SuperArrow Writter