
A Little Love Chapter 3 is up! I hope you guys are all have a great day!


I love your bio! I honestly thought it was mine lol my name is Rebecca and I am just getting back on after a few years, too. I originally got off because I had my first baby (named Killian btw) but he's 3 and my second is 9 months so I'm hoping I can back in.jut started your one shots!


Hi guys! So I'm back and I'm working on stock piling some chapters for A Little Love. Love Me Like You Do may or may not continue, I really just don't understand where I was going with that story. The next chapter makes no sense so we'll see if I can figure a way to rework it that makes sense.  Please bear with me about posting, I've updated chapters I had already written for the One Shots and A Little Love. Once I've got some stock of chapters I'll try to have a proper posting schedule. I love you all and thank you for reading my books at all, I'm sorry I disappeared for so long. Life happened. But I'm back! I can't wait to hear what you all think of my stories and please let me know if there's a way you think it should go. I love hearing from you guys :D


Hey Guys! New chapter for Love Me Like You Do coming tomorrow and every Monday until completed. Also the start of a new Captain Swan AU story called A Little Love will be published on Sunday and be updated every Sunday. Stories are coming yall!