
if camp camp is getting renewed with the rooster teeth twitter thingy ill rewrite Unlucky. (if its not ill finish editting what's there and uh continue on everything else im doing)


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im sorry to any followers who actually read my stuff or cared for any of my stories. if you wanted endings to them, i don't have anything together now. but if anyone wants it i can write a final chapter to 'C-R-A-Y-O-N-S' for anyone who really wants it. it won't be published here, but sent in dms in a google doc or something since i don't want it published. im not happy with that book, or any of them honestly. but you guys like them, and i will happily finish them off properly if really wanted. 
          im also writing uhhhh like two things or something three things? got stuff in mind, just gotta get it out. somehow. 
          also hi abbey and ash and jazzy and olykia and alt and bitter_lemon and fuck i vant dememevr ghe bames im sk sorry i cant rmemevr


@Bitter_lemon40 HELLO!1!!2 welcome back! rip your phone  wtf happened there? i hope you're doing well. (thank you so much for all of the support you've given me throughout the years you're literally amazing you deserve the best) i can send it through in a few days to you if you like. or we can find an alternative method idm. :') 


@OVUN2311 Oh also Hi man! I was offline a lot lol cause I kinda got my phone ran over lol
            Can I have he final chapter for C-R-A-Y-O-N-S? I really like your books btw! They're really wel written Crayons is really good, it's actually way better than most of the fanfics I've read about Butters lol-


MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL! Thank you all so much for the love and support throughout all the years on this app. To people who have stuck around since the voltron era to now less kid friendly crude cartoon era- I'm so sorry. And to those who stayed from C-R-A-Y-O-N-S (Looking at you Olykia) Sorry if you were also sticking around from crayons it's been too long but thank you all so much! I hope you all have merry christmas' and wonderful new years! 


@lillielii you too! <3 You're awesome! 


@OVUN2311 I hope you had a wonderful Christmas ⛄:)))!!


currently moving between four books. two of which are south park (both published teehee), one is rick and morty which isn't published but  im going to finish writing the whole thing then publish it and now im making an inside job one. Probably going to need to make an AO3 account or something for the inside job one since all i can find is ONESHOTS on here. anyways yeah crayons has been updated, check that out. tell me if it doesnt work since wattpad uploaded the wrong version and i tried to fix it. if it don't end on 'He has everything going his way' then it ain't it. 


@ OVUN2311  oh that's kwel


@lillielii its like just a bunch of small stories in a book. each chapter is a different story and they're just based off of headcanons ig 


@ OVUN2311  what in the gayq0rn is a oneshot 


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ok so i cant find any rick and morty ff that are angsty and not fucking disgusting. so im gonna write one. also crayons will be updated! i just forgot to do the chapter art 


@OVUN2311 Oh my I love that episode, it was kinda sad but ngl I love angsty and deep episodes, one factor I like is that it adds character and stuff, like it showed Rick improving a bit as a person, And idk why but I just like angsty stuff.. don't judge me lmfao..My favorites tend to vary but I can say for sure one of my favorite episodes is the piss master episode, It's hard to think of a lot right now lol (Also sorry I didn't respond on time I had gotten distracted by something and left my message there and yeah) 


@Bitter_lemon40 i love the piss master episode. It was DEEP and angsty. it was goofy but damn it hit hard. 