did yall hear the news HIDE IS BACK??? i might actually return to tokyo ghoul??? i cannot believe this???

@joxrae Oh pal, you're absolutely right. I had dropped this trainwreck a while ago. I think I'll keep up with it from a little distance just to see what the heck is Hide planning. To me, the only remotely interesting characters in :re right now are Urie, maaaaybe Saiko, and (now that he's confirmed alive) Hide. Eto and Arima are "dead" (as you said, Ishida can't just bury his characters so I'm not betting on that) and Uta just hasn't shown up anymore? Kaneki and Touka can f off with their forced marriage. In 5 chapters they found each other, had sex, got married. And yeah, the fandom is a disaster. I haven't touched the TG tag on tumblr, not even now. ishida why