Mmm. . .
          	Bowser x reader ff . . .


Ahoy: A greeting or way to get someone's attention 
          Avast: A command to stop or pay attention 
          Aye: A confirmation that an order is understood 
          Blimey: An expression of disbelief or disappointment 
          Booty: The loot taken from a ship 
          Davy Jones's locker: A reference to burials at sea 
          Dead men tell no tales: A pirate belief that the dead can't tell secrets 
          Heave: A command to stop or come to a halt 
          Matey: A pirate's friend 
          Parley: A conference between opposing sides to reach an agreement 
          Prize: A ship captured by pirates 
          Run a shot across the bow: A command to fire a warning shot 
          Savvy: A question to ask if someone understands something 
          Shiver me timbers: An expression of surprise, often used after a ship is hit 
          Yo ho ho: A nautical term used to keep people in rhythm during hard labor