You didn't make me feel like this. I made it all in my head. Just my effing insecurities that I didn't share. I'm that, you know, I need to shar or how will you know.. I will improve myself. God will shower you with love.. just come... please. I'm not reading the third line... sorry. I'll treasure it by decorating it on you. I know, me too. If that then give me my everything. You know it's you. Reaching heights, *with your hand leading me up. Love yourself like you love me. No one will be like me, cause I found you, i found myself. What's lost?? I figured it out, its TIME. Just some time that we lost. But we have a lot ahead. That's what I wanna tell. We have much. Your shadow, it has kept me alive till now. It has made me eat, drink, sleep, study and most importantly myself. All I have to say is, give me my everything.. you know its you.