
switching accs cus this 1 old  HEL


see y'all on the other side (goofy emoji)


I want context to literally any deltarune fan
          I feel like they just like it because they already completed undertale and they're forced to move onto something else because they don't want to complete it again or their favorite gamer plays it for content and subscribers to feed them and their girlfriend


I'm going to dropkick everyone's grandma I need my laptop tablet but I literally just got up to look for fever medicine and I don't wanna glide my way back over there


@Oaki_Tea you can't dropkick my grandma, go tell satan to do it. 


this message may be offensive
I'm so badass I completed foot surgery. there was a women next to me in the recovery room that made sure I was alright after. I miss her I really hope she's doing okay, and not accidentally having her body use muscle memory and using her bad foot to walk up literally 2 stairs to get inside of her house like my retarded ass lmaooo