
Okay y’all- I promise I’m getting my crap together rn- I have NOT abandoned Drive Me Mad! Just been a silly couple of months 


Yo, sorry for the wait - but expect the next chapter of Drive Me Mad to drop probably sometime tomorrow or the day after ;) hope you’re excited and that you’ve had a nice week!! Looking forward to reading your comments <33


Hello readers, sorry I've been annoying lately. I needed some down time. But I have rewatched some comfort animes (and Hamilton) and reread the entirety of my fanfiction 'Drive Me Mad'. I'm sure you all will be pleased to hear that I now have three pages worth of notes on where I need to take this story. By reviewing this work I can see the areas I've grown while writing this fic and it makes me wonder if my writing will become smoother with more chapters. I really appreciate you guys for giving me time and unless something REALLY happens you should have your chapter update next Monday. Because you've all been so patient, I'll offer you a treat! The chapter title is "Isolation" and...... there should be a fight scene if I can figure out how to write it correctly and the way I want it to sound. Thank you again! <3 


Sounds good!


I make absolutely no promises but I'm trying to get sleep, and not run solely off of coffee, coke, and monsters.