Hey readers! Just an explanation and a heads up as to why I haven't updated Charlie's story :X it's not been abandoned or put on hold.
My husband and I just bought a house on Friday! Hurray! So the last few weeks have been spent packing and cleaning our rental, and the last few nights have been spent working on the new place. I let two drunks convince me at 1 in the morning, 12 hours after we bought the place, that we should tear down the old plaster and put dry wall up...so the last three days have been spent building freaking walls lmao. So updates will definitely be slow to come out I would anticipate a few weeks before it really gets rolling as we work on the house and also we have a pretty big doctors appointment for our son next week so...yeah lol.
Stay tuned it will come, I haven't abandoned it at all I just really feel strongly about having walls in my living room xD