HeLLo. mY nAMe iS oBsESsiON. i lIKe mYTHiCaL cREaTuREs, ANiME (especially .Hack, which is where I get my username from), tALkING tO pEOpLe, pLAyiNG viDeO gAMeS, rEAdiNG, aND bEInG oN tHE cOMpUTeR. i TEnD tO wRiTE eMO stUFF. i ALsO pOSt sOMe StUFF mY bROtHEr wRIteS. i'M gOInG tO pOSt mY bOOk tHAt i'M wRITiNg oN hERe sOOn, sO kEEP yOur EYeS oUT fOr iT!
Hey, guys, it's me, Obsession. I'm sorry for my year, maybe two year, long absence....... I've been busy with a lot of things. I promise, though, I'm gonna start posting more often! (: <3
<3333 OBsESsiON
- Server Endless Her Destiny, Yasashii
- Дата регистрацииApril 24, 2010
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