Ur new pfp is sorta zesty lol
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There's a new trailer for The Last of Us season 2 and I'm way too excited. I would also love to write a sequel for The Both of Us based on the trailers alone. We shall see after I watch it.
Ur new pfp is sorta zesty lol
There's a new trailer for The Last of Us season 2 and I'm way too excited. I would also love to write a sequel for The Both of Us based on the trailers alone. We shall see after I watch it.
Technical difficulties averted for now but I have a question because I'm mostly indifferent. For The Both of Us rewrite, would you prefer chapter names like how I do for Try For Me? Or would you rather I stick to numbered chapters?
@ObsessiveWriter23 you’re welcome I can’t leave unanswered notifications now can I?
Hello dere im acive again
I'm facing technical difficulties but instead of crashing out, I'll just be stalking everyone's profiles. I hope you don't mind.
It's finally my spring break so I finally have time to write. I don't want to make any promises of what might be posted but I'll be working on essentially everything. The Both of Us rewrite already has 10k words, about 90k more to go ideally. Try For Me finally hit 100k words and I anticipate at least 100k more before it's done but that's a much longer project. My current goals are finishing TBOU and Blood of a Hero in a somewhat timely manner. Anyway, I'll let you people know when there's something new to read.
@zelinkisgoodship I go four days buts that's because I'm awful at picking classes
I know The Both Of Us has thousands of reads and over 200 votes but I think I'm pretty set in deleting it soon. I'm already working on the rewrite (if you read the first chapter in the Short Stories) but I'll start posting parts for it separately so you don't have to wait until I rewrite the entire thing before you can read. And I fixed the cover to match the prequel which will probably have a "first chapter" very soon as well. That book is essentially going to be short stories in chronological order because there's five years to cover and it would be of horrid quality and tedious if I wrote all that. So get ready for the new rewritten one and say bye to the old one if you liked it. I don't mean soon as in today but over the next few weeks, I want to get some things moving on my profile. Anyway, have a good day and good luck to those who have midterms :)
I would say the last chapter went over well. As of now, I think the next will focus more on Loretta as you don't know enough of what I know. So Link chapter next, fingers crossed.
Chapter 27 of Try For Me is posted. It's also so close to 300 votes so that's exciting. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one too.
I think I finished the next Try For Me chapter. It's 17 google doc pages long so I'm once again flabbergasted that I'm incapable of such writing when it comes to school. But that's besides the point. I'm gonna work on editing this too because I still have that short story to edit. It's simply unfortunate how busy I get during the week.
@GreenKnight47 6,000 so not as long as I was originally expecting since I tweaked some things. But you caught me at a good time, I got back on to post it just now.
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