Hi Ashley, we haven't heard a peep from you in more than a year. I hope all is well with you and you're planning to return to complete your books. Blessings

@altaylor49 oh your so welcome I appreciate the understanding, everything seems to be going well so far. So who knows I'll probably be back in action in no time, and once again I thank so much for your kind words and blessings ❤️ ,I write everyday so some fics been finished and some im in the middle of. So we shall see.

@OceanBlu86 Thank you for your response. Your health should be your first priority, I'm hoping that you will be able to get control over the flare ups. I just wanted to know how you're doing and will be here for you when you're able to return to writing. Until then, stay strong and may God abundantly bless and restore your health!

@altaylor49 Hello sorry about the late reply, I haven't been feeling the best I have been recently diagnosed with a certain autoimmune disease and im just now figuring how to cope with it all and keep the flare ups under control. I will back to complete new and old books I have been working on them in my absence from here. Thank you for being a loyal and faithful reader and checking in with me as well God bless .