this message may be offensive
Major respect for Dex. The Creatures have changed, as expected, but the fact that they were trying to mold him into something to satisfy the fans?? Fuck the fans, honestly, this is why I have removed myself from the fandom. Go ahead, hate Dex all you want, but to have a company, something that PROVIDES, to submit to the hate? Instead of attempting to change the fanbase, which is what they DEFINITELY should have done, they wanted to change the person. To me, it's unacceptable. Dex was funny and wild, yeah he made mistakes, but he's human, this shit happens. Just because he's part f this group that you idolize, and expect to be oh so perfect, doesn't mean you throw so much shit at him. It's bullying, and disgusting how so few stand up for him. The creatures have now lost the last member I had hope for. Aleks and James are in their safe positions as 'bosses' and the rest I no longer care about, as sad as it is. It's just tiring, and it's a shame that most 'fans' (who are supposed to be a supporting system) are probably having a party now that Dex is gone.

@Docotaco omfg i forgot i even wrote this but everything i said still stands true in my eyes