
I just heard from @cherryrxd that a "Blue whale challenge" is starting again..... Whatever you do to not accept the challenge! It's a challenge that ends with suicide! The one who first started this challenge was sent to prison 3 years ago for three years! He is out right now and probably the one who started it again! When he tries to threat you report him make pictures send it too police and ignore him. Block him if you want. You can block him! Let him threat you, but don't listen! Make sure to report it! When you need to talk you can talk too me. He targets people who have mentioned about being suicidal or thinking about self-harm! I will always listen! Spread the word! You can direct people to talk to me! The person behind this has psychology major and can play with your brain. Plz don't listen! If he contacts you don't respon. If you have private photos on your phone or computer or anything really he probably threatens you with those photos. Don't listen. He can only spread the photos if he knows how do hack or knows people who can hack. Your lives matter more than the blackmail! Talk about it! I am here to listen! Spread the word! #bluewhalechallengeisbad #stopthebluewhalechallenge #spreadwordaboutthebluewhalechallenge #let'shelpeveryone


@AKavenger22 good, you're dismissed. 


@AKavenger22 thx my friend and later when my other friends get my message they will share is too! Share too! 


@AKavenger22 i am posting this on all my social media accounts! 


I saw in your bio that you liked Avengers, and was wondering if you could check out my avengers fanfic - Enhanced? It would really mean a lot to me!


@OceanSeanaBlueBeach you're welcome! Thanks for reading it!


@DistrictHogwarts746 your story is really good! Thx for mentioning it! 