
Hey sorry I've been gone for a while! I will be posting either today or tomorrow!!!! 


@Ocean_Eyes831 I'm sorry if this comes across as annoying because I understand you get this a lot but can you please repost chapter 7 of 'His Dragon King'? Or at least give an explanation as to why it's not there? I just really love the story so far but I'm reluctant to skip ahead in case I ruin the storyline or plot. I hope everything is ok and we can hear from you soon :)


@Ocean_Eyes831 can u seriously just post chapter 7 of his dragon king? Can u at least give us an answer? :/


Hello. Does anyone know this story? It's an mxm story of a werelion with siblings and they come across a werewolf territory. This blind werewolf is the lion's mate. It's also mpreg as the werewolf got pregnant by the ending. I think the title is around Lion In A Wolf's Den? Anybody got the link?


I just finished reading His Master Vampire ..
          Totally awesome ... Fantastic story ..  U are a talented writer that gives the characters such depth.. looking forward to Baine story in  
          The Dragon King... Is it published already..cos I tried looking for it... Tnxs for an awesome story... A new fan