
All reviews are canceled. This account is no longer running. 


Attention! All requesters that have been waiting for their reviews I need you to PM me in the next three days, stating that you were still waiting for a review and if you have completed the payment or not! Reviews in order of completing:
          If you do not PM this account in the next three days, I will take your book out of my reviewing list and you will have to request again when the grotto is back open. 


                         Update on Reviews:
          I am very sorry on the delay of reviews. I have been extremely busy with school and soccer.
          I am sorry to those that have requested and have been waiting for awhile, I truly am sorry.
          I will begin reading through the requests I've gotten, and will start reviewing very soon. 
          Please be patient with me, I know it's annoying to wait for so long. I'm trying.
          I hope you all can understand and happy holidays to all and to all a good night! 