
When the heck did, I get 103 followers?? I love ya'll. <3


Out of curiosity, when are you gonna continue Dragon or Lemons Are My Favorite Fruits?


@FemaleShatteredDream  Ahh sorry I've kinda been in another fandom for forever so I forgot about my books, and college isn't helping things. Im really proud of those books so I may come back at some point and finish/rewrite them, but for now it's just not in the cards for me. Sorry I know lots of people like those books


Heya dude , how r ya doin? 


@Fairyinkboii Ayy, congrats .  Hope things go well in your relationship! Honestly I'm doing the same thing this summer. Have no motivation or want to really do much of anything. XD


@Fairyinkboii daang dude ya got me a lil worried when ya were offline for some months,tho ya don't have to say apologize for those things ,just happy that ya back^^,   -pats ya back-  and dude that's great for ya!! , ahem anyways, as for me ehh well I got a girlfriend not sure how aaanndd.. I'm Just chillin in my house since I gotten summer break last month (don't say "ya" and "dude" in every sentence difficulty:IMPOSSIBLE) 


@Fairyinkboii  Hiii, so sorry Kinda fell out of the undertale fandom and with it left Wattpad to instead read on Ao3. I'll hopefully get around to finishing my books, but probs not for a long time. 
            In any case, I'm doing good. Also gonna start college next year, -while dealing with highschool- . Just as a little update. But more than a little nervous. 
            Anyhow enough abt me, how are you? Whats new? ^^
            (Sorry that went on for so long without any real reason for it to.)


I've been falling into another fandom lately.. BUT, worry not because I'm not going to stop writing my books! I've put WAYY too much time & energy into writing them. I will finish them, even if I have to drag myself to my laptop kicking and screaming.


@Odd_Undertale_Nerd I’ll definitely do that! and no problem! Rest is important for everybody!


@CarrieMcGarvey There's not much advice I can give you, other than: make sure that what ever you're writing about MAKES you want to write, it's mich more enjoyable and you'll even find that ideas will come to you easier. Oh, and if you write fanfiction, maybe to indulge into the fandom to really get your creative jucies flowing. Or, heck on your free time where your bored and don't want to do much of anything, just simply thinking out scenes and jotting them down quickly can help, they don't have to necessarily be in the book but like earlier would help with getting your self to think. Idk, thats just stuff I usually do, but even then some times I still can't write. I'll try my best to take care of myself, thanks for your concern. ^^


Make sure you get plenty of rest too, I need to get on top of writing now that I think about it…do you have any advice for finding inspiration? I’m stuck ;-; lol


Rewriting the plot of "Dragon!?" right now and I'm indecisive. So with out me spoiling anything, can you guys help me?
          A or B?


@Odd_Undertale_Nerd B :D just so nobody ties it again lol.