I will be updating but they will be slow updates due to me being busy and due to me having to deal with school and homework -w-"
Hey guys..
Imma start working on actual books, Like imma try to make actual books and not oneshots 24/7.
Im sorry.
I'll work on the oneshots sometimes but not like before. I'm sorry...
Hey everybody!
I need you to please understand that I will be posting more slowly now.
Nobody has done anything, I just want to announce this.
Some days I won't post some days I don't work so please work with me -w-"
Hey y'all!
Imma take a break for awhile because writing is stressing me out a lot at the moment so I will return again and pick up from where I left off. I am not quitting im just taking a well deserved break..
Ake is not gonna be gone forever. She will return and resume her work. For now feel free to re-read her books because it helps her if you wanna and yea. The alts and I will watch over her books while she reads and does her things. - Aneka
Stay safe and stay healthy! - Tonko
Hey guys im sorry for not posting a lot. I have school and tmrw im getting tested for covid bc I was exposed :,> ( I DONT HAVE IT THO- At least that's what I think :,> )
I don't like it T^T
The women shoved the heckin swab thing up my nose, swirled it around, did the same to my other nose, and acted like it was nothing. T^T