
Hi so i wanted to thank you for posting such a book because girl i tell youvit is fire, literally. But i also wanted to tell you that i intend to write a book too (of course i wont steel anyghing from you). Its just that im scared that nobody will like it and read it. And so i wanted to ask you how did you deal with that stress and if you have anybadvise i will gladly take it


Hi. First of all, I want to thank you for your work. I really liked your fanfiction "So...mrs Barnes" And would like to ask your permission to translate this fanfiction into Russian and publish it on the ficbook platform. I give you my word that I will mark you and leave a link to your watpad account.


Hi!!! Sorry I took so long to reply, it caught me off guard AHAHAHA never thought someone would want to take the time to do this. Of course!! Send me the link when you do so!