
In one week from now, I'll be changing my name from 'JustRandomTamy' to 'OfMartiansAndMen' just for anyone who needs to know


Also for my bullying story, if you wanna submit anything like a song you like/wrote or a poem or even just a friendly message pls message me (i dont really get comment notifications) and ill post it when i see it and dedicated to whoever sent it to me. Thank you!!


Um so hi (waves). Im not sure if anyone actually cares about my account anymore. I apologize for not being here and taking forever to follow half of you back. Im hoping that all of us can be friends. To those reading my 'bullying' book, ill try to start posting when i have time, ive been having issues lately but im thankful that we all share similar experiences. I also have a few other works lined up and hope you'll read those too. If you wanna be friends, please message me. If you messaged me before and i never answered back, please message me back so we can continue any convo we had in the first place. Im hoping to be welcomed back in this community and hope that i can begin making more stories. Love to all my friends 


The wedding will be in 6 months. Tacos will be served at the reception