
To the roleplayers of CM:
          	I know there was never a formal message sent out addressing the closing of CM's doors. In response to the new CM popping up, I just wanted it to be known that CM closed its doors due to low involvement and a collective decision from more than one party that CM had no longer become fun and interesting by means of repetition, spotlighting characters, and unwanted drama that took away from the RP. 
          	I do apologize for the lack of announcement as to why the updates stopped coming and why CM closed down. It was my busy season at the time in retail and I did not have the time to send such a message out. I do take responsibility for that. 
          	However, many of us who roleplayed here have moved on away from the drama CM carried and started fresh, and we are happy where we are now. CM will not be reopening its roleplay here, and many who have continued on elsewhere have no intention of rejoining any new version of CM. It had one hell of a run that lasted over a few years, but it is/was time to move on. 
          	-Dark Mistress 


To the roleplayers of CM:
          I know there was never a formal message sent out addressing the closing of CM's doors. In response to the new CM popping up, I just wanted it to be known that CM closed its doors due to low involvement and a collective decision from more than one party that CM had no longer become fun and interesting by means of repetition, spotlighting characters, and unwanted drama that took away from the RP. 
          I do apologize for the lack of announcement as to why the updates stopped coming and why CM closed down. It was my busy season at the time in retail and I did not have the time to send such a message out. I do take responsibility for that. 
          However, many of us who roleplayed here have moved on away from the drama CM carried and started fresh, and we are happy where we are now. CM will not be reopening its roleplay here, and many who have continued on elsewhere have no intention of rejoining any new version of CM. It had one hell of a run that lasted over a few years, but it is/was time to move on. 
          -Dark Mistress 


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          Volume 5 of This Was Never A Roleplay has gone live!! It's up, folks. Hope ya'll like the cover. The Who Are They? sections will be updated once I hear back from everyone on character descriptions, but for now they are published. 
          For those that I still have yet to hear back from on character description changes or non-changes, if I don't hear from you by Sunday night I will be messaging to nag. For those that got back to me already, thank you, it makes things so much easier. You've got the weekend to let me know about your character descriptions before I say something, and I will put reminders in the next couple days pages as well.
          Today's day (September 3) starts in the new book so be sure to head there instead of Volume 4. There will be no new updates in Volume 4.
          Here's the link to the new volume: Go add it to your libraries or whatever you do for easy access. Enjoy!
          Tagging those this pertains to: @Harbies @deadbutcher @wingsanddragons @ChaosC @Sesquip @Ebonwing8 @Cre8veLife @ElementalTwins


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          Head's up! Tomorrow's day (September 3) will start Volume 5 of This Was Never A Roleplay! So make sure when the book goes live you are not looking for a new day in Volume 4. Volume 4 is now complete. 
          Just like every other volume, now that we are starting a new book, please take a look at the character descriptions you have in the Who Are They? sections of Volume 4 and let me know what needs changed, taken out, or added for your characters. I want to have an updated version again. 
          If everything is still good for you, reply to this message and tell me you want no changes. If you are changing a description or adding a new character in the descriptions, please PM me the new description on this account here, not my regular account. 
          (@deadbutcher, I know you do not have any character descriptions in, if you'd like them in with the rest of us for Ulysses and such, just take a look at Volume 4's Who Are They? sections for what we kind of do and you're welcome to send me descriptions on this account and I'll put them up in the new book.)
          If I don't hear from you I'm assuming your descriptions stay the same and that's what I'm adding in. But please, please do answer me on this or I might nag this time.
          Once I get all descriptions I will update the Who Are They? pages of the new book, hopefully by the end of next week if everyone can get back to me as soon as possible.
          I will send out another message with a link to the new book when it goes live tonight if anyone wants to add it to their libraries for easy access. Thank you.
          Tagging those this pertains to: @ChaosC @Harbies @wingsanddragons @Sesquip @Ebonwing8 @deadbutcher @Cre8veLife @ElementalTwins


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          Hey, folks! It's been a long time since I sent one of these out. This one will be short and with a quick purpose, I swear. 
          So as you all know, we are running out of space in Volume 4 of our stories. We've got about ten days left before I'm out of room in this book for updating. That means I need to get a new book out. Since I kind of just choose a cover and such last time, I figured I'd get you guys in on it this time. 
          Here's what I'm looking for!
          If you know a cool picture that would go great as a cover for our new Volume, post a link to it here on this message as a comment. I'm going to say no more than two pictures just so we don't have a million of them to choose from. Once I have anyone's suggestions that have one, I will put them into a Photobucket spread and post a new message and we'll vote on our favorite few. The one that wins we will use for the new cover of Volume 5!
          So if you have a cool photo you think would be awesome for our cover, hit me with a link in the comments sometime today! I mean today, too, please. I don't have a lot of time to orchestrate this.
          Now go photo surfing!
          Tagging those actively involved: @ChaosC @Harbies @wingsanddragons @Ebonwing8 @deadbutcher @Sesquip @Cre8veLife @ElementalTwins


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          We have talked and half suggested doing a 500th day plot this weekend when everyone was less busy unlike during the week when the actual 500th day was.
          I have only heard from two people that today was a good day for them to do the plot, so I don't know if today (Saturday) is a good day for everyone else interested. I have not updated the page for today to include the plot scenario yet since I do not yet know if we really are doing it today. Or really if we're doing it all. I don't think we've ever made a complete decision, which I should have sent out a message like this earlier in the week about it, but, NaNo...
          For those I have yet to hear from on an okay or not okay for today, could you please reply back to this so I know if I need to update the plot to today's page or not? 
          Heck, I don't care if you guys just message me instead about it. If anyone is unsure what the plot idea was or missed it being suggested, message either myself or Chaos, it was Chaos' idea after all. 
          Thank you.
          Tagging those I have yet to get an answer from: @Sesquip @ChaosC @Harbies @ElementalTwins @Ebonwing8


@OfficalCMUC I think I'll be a little more open tomorrow. I'm on now today, but I don't know about the others...


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          Couple things! Alright, more than a couple...
          First off, the new book, Volume 4, has now been published. Make sure to add it to your libraries or whatever you do so you know when the new page goes up every day.
          Secondly, the vote to reset CM was unanimous. CM UC will be starting off from the beginning with a slight twist. Full details for how we are resetting will be explained in March 1st (today's) page, as well as a new About page going up in the next few days.
          We will be starting off the reset roleplay today, and Ebon will be running the show for the start of it.
          Third thing, since we are resetting, if you could all please look over the Who Are They? sections in the book again and let me know if they are still accurate or not, that would be great. Simply message this account with a yes if they are staying the same, or a no and a new description for who needs changed and I will update the pages. Also, if you are adding new characters or taking out old ones, either send me descriptions for the new ones or tell me which characters to take out of the descriptions. Let's get the pages updated once more.
          Fourth thing -- almost done, I swear -- we would like to start doing recaps again. Whether they will be in the form of summaries or maybe bullet points or I don't know yet, but you should expect to start seeing those again.
          Last of all is a question. With the reset and the prospect of recaps again, do you guys still wish me to add in the little tidbits I've been doing? The songs, quotes, writing related posts, and all? If you guys like them, I will continue to add them in as I am still running the book.
          Now that's it, CM UC is ready to start over and the new page is going up now! If you're free, come and join in! The page for today will explain how things are starting. :)
          Tagging those I know need to see this: @wingsanddragons @Ebonwing8 @ChaosC @Sesquip @Cre8veLife


@wingsanddragons Okay. Just send a PM with an updated version of your character descriptions and I'll change them.


@OfficalCMUC yeah i need to go abck to my old one currently. If we do summary, just need to do main bullet points of the plot rather than aparahraphs of all the details


@Ebonwing8 Okay. I will take them down for you and just send new descriptions for your characters via PM whenever you have them ready. 
            That's two votes on the tidbits to keep then.


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          It has been brought to my attention that a fair number of our mix-matched family here would like a total reset for our characters and the world we've created with the new volume to come out tomorrow/today. 
          To get everyone's input in this, I am calling for a vote. Please reply to this message with a yes or no vote to wanting to reset CM and start over with no characters knowing each other. 
          If the vote comes out as a majority say yes, the reset will begin with the new volume.
          Thank you.
          Merely tagging those that I know still roleplay: @wingsanddragons @ChaosC @Ebonwing8 @Cre8veLife @Sesquip


@OfficalCMUC I think it's a nice idea for those who want a blank slate. I would like to get back into CMUC, and I think that resetting might also be a great opportunity to get new people into the mix! Some people just aren't comfortable joining into a story that's already gone on for so long, after all.


@OfficalCMUC  I  am with either, you know that Dark, but it is Yes, if it means we get theo thers back in again.


To all CM UC roleplayers:
          Starting on August 13th, we will be working from a new book, Volume 3. Volume 2 will not have new days added to it, we will continue on in Volume 3 just like we did from Volume 1 on the old account to Volume 2 here. 
          We merely did this for purposes of the book getting rather long to wade through all the days if you were looking for a specific one. Nothing has changed expect a new cover to distinguish the two. Hope everyone likes the cover.
          Merely tagging all those that RP so that you all see this: @Wingsanddragons @ChaosC @Sesquipedalian101 @Cre8veLife @Harbies @PrisonerOfOwnDreams @Ebonwing8 @FlaxFlame @ElementalTwins


Where is the first version of This Was Never A Roleplay V2? I would rather read the first before reading the second.


@Kazuma10 The first doesn't have any summaries in it to read, you'd have to load all the comments we made to read what happens. The summaries are a new thing. Sorry.