
Hello users
          	It's me
          	Chara =)
          	Did you miss me?
          	Probably not
          	However I'm here to inform you
          	That I'm going to give this another shot
          	I've built up the courage to face the disappointment again
          	I really want to make something I can enjoy and have fun rping on with you guys :)
          	But for now
          	Take it easy my friends


@Official-Charaverse all i gotta say is good luck 


Hello users
          It's me
          Chara =)
          Did you miss me?
          Probably not
          However I'm here to inform you
          That I'm going to give this another shot
          I've built up the courage to face the disappointment again
          I really want to make something I can enjoy and have fun rping on with you guys :)
          But for now
          Take it easy my friends


@Official-Charaverse all i gotta say is good luck 


Its true
          I'm not dead
          Although I wish I was


Ladies and gentlemen
          I know I was rather hasty with the things I've said
          And all I've done
          So now
          I'm here to finish what I started...get this proverbial weight of my chest
          Because if I don't give chara a proper start and ending
          I dont think I'll be able to accept the charaverse for what it is
          So here's to the final try
          New year 
          Renewed effort
          Mark my words
          This story will have an ending


As it deserves to have. A proper send off.


this message may be offensive
It seems like I'll keep trying and trying at something because it's who I am and what I've wanted to do
          But it's become crystal clear to me
          That the charaverse doesn't have anyone behind it
          I kept lying to myself that anyone cared and enjoyed the shit was putting our
          But the smut book gets more views
          It's getting tiring
          Putting out a chapter
          And then having one person comment on it
          I understand people don't have the time they used to
          And I believe that the dwindling population of wattpad
          And the lack of time others have?
          It killed the charaverse...
          It killed my will...
          I'm sorry everyone
          I made a whole deal of making a come back
          But chara...
          They're going into a big sleep
          Will they come back?
          I dont know....
          But I highly doubt it
          I give up trying...


Yeah I ain't gonna lie gang
          I dont think this charaverse stuff is panning out anymore


            Very sorry to hear that. I have been busy even while on break. But at least there were good times


I’m just really busy my guy-
            But fair